Responsible investment governance

Our asset management has a well-defined framework, which considers ESG criteria consistent with the Group Code of Conduct and commitment to sustainability. This commitment is further outlined in the Group Asset Management Responsible Investment Policy, which describes our approach and principles in relation to sustainability in the management of Swiss Re’s investments, as well as the roles and responsibilities to ensure the integration of ESG considerations. This is complemented by the Swiss Re Voting Policy, which provides guiding principles that apply to all our voting activities. With this approach, we ensure a comprehensive commitment to responsible investment in our day-to-day asset management activities.

Overall responsibility for sustainable investing lies with the Group Chief Investment Officer, who is advised by the Asset Management Executive Team. Furthermore, an ESG Advisory Group, formed with representatives from all investment units and risk management, oversees and monitors the progress of our responsible investment activities.

In 2007 we signed the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and in 2012 the Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI), thereby formally endorsing our commitment to corporate responsibility. The PRI and PSI are taken into account in Swiss Re’s comprehensive responsible investment framework.

All PRI signatories are required to provide in-depth reporting on their responsible investment activities. The reports are available on the PRI website at 2013-14 Public RI Transparency reports