Our approach to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The Global Goals (graphic)

We fully endorse the UN Agenda 2030 and regard the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as an important reference point to determine our material Sustainability Topics and how to address them. Since the SDGs were launched in 2015, we have continuously refined our approach to using the SDG framework and defining how our business contributes to achieving the goals.

We started by mapping the SDGs to our 2030 Sustainability Ambitions and our Sustainability Topics, clearly showing where we contribute to the SDGs (see Our topics, targets achievements).

We then explored how to use our Group Sustainability Strategy to further align our activities with the SDGs, and understand related strengths, opportunities and risks.

We worked with the portfolio owners to assess our re/insurance underwriting portfolios using the SDGs as a sustainability lens, to better understand the contributions of the individual portfolios to the SDGs and identify areas to increase our impact. This is how we are building sustainability into portfolio management on the liability side of our business.

Furthermore, we created an inventory of re/insurance products with particularly strong contributions to the SDGs, making SDG impacts visible to client managers and management.

To better understand the re/insurance industry’s contribution to the SDGs, we work with the UNEP FI Principles for Sustainable Insurance to develop “Insurance SDGs” (iSDGs) for the liability side of our business.

As part of our Responsible Investing strategy, we have developed an approach to measuring the impact of our thematic investments and aligning it to the SDGs.

In Our topics, targets and achievements you can see all the SDGs we address through our activities.