The path to recovery

Woman walking down natural steps in a UK landscape (photo)
Detail of United Kingdom map (map)

Cancer affects a third of the global population. Survival rates have improved dramatically, but after a successful fight against cancer, returning to work can be difficult. Swiss Re has partnered with Working Towards Wellbeing in the United Kingdom to help recovering patients resume their normal lives.

“Seeing the difference the programme makes in boosting the resilience of individuals recovering from cancer has really made me proud to work at Swiss Re.”

Kelly Du Preez

Claims Market Head UK & Ireland, Swiss Re

Woman standing in a kitchen holding a cup of coffee (photo)

Ade’s journey

The initial diagnosis of breast cancer in 2015 was a shock to Ade Dietz, a resident of South Shields, Northern England. Initial pain and symptoms seemed as innocuous as a pulled muscle after a gym session, but it turned out to be a cancerous tumour. For treatment, Ade experienced multiple surgeries, and the chemotherapy itself was both unpleasant and exhausting due to its significant side effects.

“The advice that came was fantastic because it addressed things I hadn’t thought about, including a phased return to work.”

Ade Dietz

At the time of her diagnosis, Ade’s employer’s human resources department suggested that she join the programme provided by Swiss Re and Working Towards Wellbeing. While receiving treatment, Ade connected to a health coach and her journey to recovery began.


Over 400 claimants have participated
in the programme following treatment
for cancer.


95% of programme participants
report that they are satisfied
with the service provided.