Our strategy for 2016 and beyond

A framework that will drive our 2016 priorities and create long-term value for our shareholders.

Fit for purpose

Our strategy is designed to help us meet our financial targets for 2016 and beyond — ambitious goals that are aimed at profitability and economic growth.

The building blocks of success

Each Business Unit has its own targets to contribute to the overall goal.

We have already defined annual return on equity targets for our businesses:

P&C Reinsurance and Corporate Solutions aim for 10%–15%. Life & Health Reinsurance aims for 10%–12%. Swiss Re Life Capital will initially aim for 6%–8%, with updates to follow.

Swiss Re’s strategic framework

I. Systematically allocate capital to risk pools/revenue streams

II. Broaden and diversify client base to increase access to risk

III. Optimise resources and platforms to support capital allocation

IV. Emphasise differentiation

Areas of strategic action

  1. Systematically allocate capital to risk pools/revenue streams

    We have a defined target portfolio of asset and liability risks. Risks can always be added to this target portfolio, and they may also be withdrawn.

    Flexible capital allocation among these portfolios — and taking advantage of the diversification benefits — is what drives value creation at Swiss Re. We aim to make our decisions based on capital usage and returns from each portfolio, balancing cash flow, Economic Value Management (EVM) and US GAAP metrics.

    See this strategy in action: Using key trends and metrics to achieve results

  2. Broaden and diversify client base to increase access to risk

    New markets, new clients and new risks: these are the three primary ways to achieve this strategic objective. We aim to generate 30% of premiums and fee income from targeted high growth markets by 2020. We also aim to serve broader client segments, such as expanding our regional and national insurer client base and even expanding to work with governments and multilateral institutions. We can also find new opportunities — helping clients deal with new risks such as cyber threats or taking on different risks through our investments, such as infrastructure debt.

    See this strategy in action: Finding new clients and new risks

  3. Optimise resources and platforms to support capital allocation

    Our capital allocation strategy requires us to attract the right talent and to equip them with the right resources, platforms and processes. Reaching new markets, for example, often requires local expertise. For this reason our local talent pool in high growth markets has more than doubled between 2011 and 2015.

    This strategic focus goes beyond talent and geographies. Smart analytics and cognitive computing, for example, have the potential to change our industry. Our initiatives focus on concrete applications with direct business impact, such as in sales and contracts.

    See this strategy in action: Bringing deep insight and industry understanding

  4. Emphasise differentiation

    Financial strength, client relationships, and being a knowledge company are the main components of our differentiation. All three have underpinned our strong performance. They remain pivotal going forward. Our clients take comfort in our financial strength. This helps form direct client relationships through which we can deliver large and tailored transactions. As part of our offer we bring top talent and a deep understanding of market dynamics — the practical benefit of being a knowledge company.

    See this strategy in action: Setting ourselves apart by generating knowledge

Financial targets

Return on equity

At least 700 basis points greater than the risk-free rate, as measured by ten-year US government bonds.

Econo­mic net worth per share

10% growth per annum, using year-end ENW plus dividends, divided by previous year-end ENW.