Business Report 2015

We make
the world


The business of risk

Bridging the divide

“A disaster can set a country’s economic development back by years. The TCIP guards against that, creating a safety net for our entire nation, strengthening our resilience and setting an example for the rest of the world.”

Murat Kayacı – Chairman, Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool

Bridging the divide


Share of disaster losses not covered by insurance (Global, 2015)

Financial targets

Return on equity



At least 700 basis points greater than the risk-free rate, as measured by ten-year US government bonds.

Economic net worth per share



10% growth per annum, using year-end ENW plus dividends, divided by previous year-end ENW.


The business of risk

Building resilience in China

China is the world’s fourth-largest market in insurance premiums and Swiss Re’s third largest in 2015. Yet compared to the size of its economy, China’s insurance market still lags far behind.

Building resilience in China


Percentage of premiums and fee income Swiss Re aims to generate in high growth markets, including China, by 2020

Financial Report


Compare key 2015 figures to the figures from prior years.

Net income (bar chart)

The business of risk

New frontiers

When Swiss Re was founded 152 years ago, insurance was catching up with the industrial revolution. Today we are again at the edge of another sea change — a digital revolution.

New frontiers

2 billion

Cyber risk premiums globally (2014, USD)