Peace of mind for expecting mothers

Pregnant Asian (photo)

1 in 5

pregnant women in Singapore is
affected by gestational diabetes

In Singapore, around one in five expectant mothers will develop gestational diabetes1. In response, Swiss Re partnered with MetLife’s LumenLab to create Vitana, the world’s first automated, app-based health insurance solution that makes it easy for families to get the protection they need.

Mothers-to-be download the app to their mobile device and consent to linking their e-health records. If the app deems the customer eligible, a blockchain-enabled “smart contract” policy is immediately generated. Upon diagnosis, the policyholder’s medical data triggers an automated benefit payment, with no further action required.

Scalable societal resilience

The simplicity and efficiency of this blockchain-enabled solution creates a blueprint to address other non-communicable diseases and chronic conditions. It offers greater inclusion to consumers looking to fulfil their protection needs. Innovations like these are made possible by Swiss Re’s close relationship with its clients, and our ability to collaborate with public and private partners to promote societal resilience around the world.

1 Gusto, a longitudinal baby study at NUH and the KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) (Khalik, S. 2016)