Swiss Re International SE Zurich branch

Management summary

Swiss Re International SE, Luxembourg, Zurich branch (SRI SE Zurich branch), domiciled in Zurich, Switzerland, is a re/insurance entity within the Swiss Re Group. SRI SE Zurich branch engages in Swiss and foreign commercial re/insurance business.

SRI SE Zurich branch is part of Swiss Re International SE, Luxembourg which is regulated by the Commissariat aux Assurances, the Luxembourg insurance supervisory authority. Information about the solvency position of SRI SE Zurich branches’ mother company is disclosed according to Luxembourg regulations only. Swiss regulations do not require the disclosure of solvency information of SRI SE Zurich branch in this report.

This report provides qualitative and quantitative information about the statutory financial condition of SRI SE Zurich branch.

Business activities

In this section, we provide information about the business model, the strategy and significant events. Read more


We present the performance of the year under review based on the Swiss statutory income statement. Read more