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2018 Corporate Responsibility Report

Investing in a strong leadership pipeline

We continue to strengthen the capabilities of our line managers and prepare them to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing environment. We have introduced a new leadership development architecture with a manager curriculum at every management level. Our Manager Curriculum is about accelerating the development of our line managers through targeted training, providing them with the skills and resources they need to lead, build and engage our people in the future.

As a result of the Manager Curriculum project we launched the Development Compass for Managers this year. This platform uses the latest digital tools to strengthen leadership expertise by providing access to thousands of resources that help our line managers continue to develop as leaders. The platform provides access not only to newly designed manager classroom training but also to online training in the form of corporate in-house MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). Known internally as DIALs (Digital Inter-Active Learning), they provide an interactive and innovative learning experience that equip line managers with the necessary management expertise that differentiates us from our competitors. Close to 3 000 employees used the Development Compass in 2018.

To further equip our leaders with the necessary tools to lead us into the future, we developed an agile leadership model and have begun integrating it into our leadership development programmes. For senior leaders, we launched the new CEO-sponsored Pathfinder Experience programme to build a community of change catalysts who will reinforce the agile, forward-looking principles mentioned above. We also developed the Explorer Programme for our leadership talents, which enables them to take on additional leadership responsibilities and to lead in an ambiguous and dynamic environment.