Group Sustainability Strategy

Feedback from our stakeholders confirms that Swiss Re is widely regarded as a sustainability leader, reflecting our many achievements to date. Building on this successful track record, we introduced an enhanced Group Sustainability As the momentum around sustainable development continues to accelerate, our strategy helps us take positive action, both to benefit from new opportunities and to address changing risks.

Our Group Sustainability Strategy defines sustainability as a strategic, long-term value driver and embeds this approach throughout our re/insurance value chain. At its core, it involves managing and monitoring risks and opportunities associated with environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. In our understanding, the notion of sustainable re/insurance covers all business activities from the liability to the asset side of our balance sheet, our own operations and dialogue with our stakeholders. In our core business, the focus is on developing innovative solutions, improving business and investment performance on a risk-adjusted basis, thus contributing to environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Key elements of our Group Sustainability Strategy

At its highest level, the strategy states our Sustainability Mission, derived from Swiss Re’s vision of making the world more resilient, to the benefit of all our key stakeholders. It expresses what we do and what we aim for:

We insure, invest, operate and share our knowledge in a way that tackles sustainability challenges and creates long-term value.”

Our 2030 Sustainability Ambitions provide this mission with topical focus areas. We have defined three overarching ambitions that describe how we can have a significant positive impact in terms of supporting sustainability and strengthening resilience, especially through our core re/insurance business solutions:

Mitigating climate risk and advancing the energy transition

Building societal resilience

Driving affordable insurance with digital solutions

To guide the practical implementation of the strategy, we have defined the following three Principles:




Sustainability mission infographic photo
The illustration above shows how the core elements of our Group Sustainability Strategy interact with each other:

In addition to the three Sustainability Ambitions that are closely tied to our core business and, more specifically, our re/insurance solutions, we continue to address six Sustainability Topics. These topics are relevant to our sustainability performance in other parts of our business (see Sustainability Topics: goals and progress).