Board of Directors
- Walter B. Kielholz
- Renato Fassbind
- Mathis Cabiallavetta
- Raymond K.F. Ch’ien
- Mary Francis
- Rajna Gibson Brandon
- C. Robert Henrikson
- Hans Ulrich Maerki
- Trevor Manuel
- Carlos E. Represas
- Jean-Pierre Roth
- Philip K. Ryan
- Susan L. Wagner
Changes in 2015
At the Annual General Meeting on 21 April 2015, Trevor Manuel and Philip K. Ryan were elected as new non-executive and independent members of the Board of Directors for a one-year term of office. At the same time, the shareholders re-elected Walter B. Kielholz, Mathis Cabiallavetta, Raymond K.F. Ch’ien, Renato Fassbind, Mary Francis, Rajna Gibson Brandon, C. Robert Henrikson, Hans Ulrich Maerki, Carlos E. Represas, Jean-Pierre Roth and Susan L. Wagner for a one-year term of office as members of the Board of Directors. Raymund Breu did not stand for re-election.