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2017 Corporate Responsibility Report

Investing in a strong leadership pipeline

Our ambition is to strengthen the capabilities of our line managers and prepare them to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing environment. We are integrating our existing programme offerings into a new leadership development architecture, with a manager curriculum at every management level. Our manager curriculum is about accelerating the development of our line managers through targeted training, providing them with the skills and resources they need to lead, build and engage our people in the future.

Given our investment in leadership skills, we are pleased to start seeing evidence of an improved feedback culture and quality of development conversations: our 2017 EES results indicate that our employees feel we manage performance in a way that enables them to contribute as much as possible for the company’s success (+18 p.p. since 2015), they feel significantly more positive about their career opportunities (+13 p.p. since 2015), they know whom to go to for guidance and counselling about their career (+13 p.p. since 2015) and their managers provide valuable feedback that helps our employees develop professionally and personally (+6 p.p. since 2015).