Climate governance

Swiss Re’s governance around climate-related risks and opportunities.

At Swiss Re’s highest governance level, three Board of Directors (BoD) committees are in charge of overseeing implementation of Swiss Re’s climate change strategy. The Chairman’s and Governance Committee, steered by the Chairman, has the overall task of monitoring the Group’s strategic priorities on enabling sustainable progress, including initiatives and actions specifically addressing climate change. The Investment Committee reviews Swiss Re’s Asset Management related activities and, as part of this, receives regular updates on Group Asset Management’s responsible investing strategy and approach.

The Finance and Risk Committee defines the Group Risk Policy, reviews risk capacity limits, monitors adherence to risk tolerance, and reviews all top risk issues and exposures, including those with a specific climate dimension.

Regarding the development and adoption of sustainability policies and strategies, the role of the Board of Directors is to review and endorse them, while the Group Executive Committee approves them.

Group Risk Management is responsible for maintaining a suitable risk policy framework, and the Business Units drive strategic implementation within their respective areas. Group Asset Management is in charge of developing and implementing Swiss Re’s responsible investing strategy, including specific considerations on climate change, under consideration of the Group-wide sustainability principles.

You can read more about our sustainability governance in our 2018 Corporate Responsibility Report.

Climate-related financial disclosures of the Financial Stability Board



Risk management

Metrics and targets

A) Board oversight

A) Climate-related risks and opportunities

A) Processes for identifying and assessing climate-related risks

A) Metrics to assess climate-related risks and opportunities

B) Management’s role

B) Impact of climate-related risks and opportunities

B) Process for managing climate-related risks

B) Scope 1, 2 and 3 green-house gas emissions


C) Potential impact of different scenarios

C) Integration into overall risk management

C) Targets